8 Tips for Feeling and Looking Your Best This Fall

8 Tips for Feeling and Looking Your Best This Fall

While fall is the time to put our best foot forward, it can also be a bit overwhelming when it comes to finding ways to better ourselves. The path to self improvement isn’t just through hitting the gym, but in the small things: integrating some yoga into your daily routine, upping your vitamins, and finding joy in a new recipe.

Here are some tips for feeling and looking our vibrant, glowing, renewed best all season long.

  1. Cook Your FoodTry some new recipes.

Following a new recipe is the simplest way to find excitement in cooking again and, eventually, feeling like the best version of yourself. When you treat your body like a temple by trying out some new tastes, soon enough it begins to feel like one. Discover new ways to reinvent the dishes you love. If you’re craving the freshness of seafood and zestiness of Tex-Mex, why not put together some fish tacos?

  1. Have fun with a drastic new look.

It’s not always true that blondes have more fun. If you’re looking to have some fun with your appearance on a surface level, why not experiment with a radical new change? Fall is one of the most popular times where women opt for darker locks for refreshing change. If you’re looking for fresh ideas, check out some of the best hair color trends to try this fall.

  1. The Easiest Anti-aging Skin Care RoutineInvest in your skin.

As the seasons change, as does our skin so it’s important to find ways to adapt. Consider investing in some new products (like a tinted moisturizer with SPF) to give your skin the care it needs during these humid, dry months. If you’re interested in taking it a step further, skin-resurfacing treatments like Dermalinfusion combine exfoliation with extraction to give you that healthy glow you’re looking for.

  1. Stay hydrated.

It goes without saying that hydration is key. The average adult is suggested to drink at least 2.5 liters of water every day, but in hot weather this should be bumped up to 5 liters. According to Boldsky, “A health tip for those who frequently have dehydration and health-related problems is that he/she must also drink energy drinks such as glucose and fresh fruit juices along with water.

  1. Up your vitamins and natural oils.

While it’s best for you to acquire the most vitamin D you can possibly get under the sun, that’s not all there is to it. If you don’t already take daily vitamins, now is a great time to start as our body actually needs them more than usual. The heat can rob you of some important nutrients, so make sure to stock up on vitamin A, C and E to compensate. You can always try incorporating Cannabidiol or CBD Oil into your routine. This popular natural oil has anti-inflammatory effects and may reduce anxiety and depression.

  1. 4 Mistakes You Make When Opting for a Low Carb DietTry switching to a low-carb lifestyle.

Forget about a diet, consider changing your entire lifestyle. If you’re wanting to become your best self, a low-carb/high-fat eating plan may give you the push you need. People have been using the Keto diet not only to lose weight, but to sleep better, feel better, and have more energy at the end of the day. Trying a new way of eating will incorporate some excitement into your daily routine as you try new recipes and habits that will eventually lead you to loving what you see in the mirror this fall.

  1. Change up your routine with some yoga.

This season is one of the best times to find some relaxation, empowerment, and strength through yoga. If hitting the mat isn’t already in you daily routine, try finding an outdoor yoga class near you to get into the right mindset. Yoga is one of the most refreshing practices that will allow you to get in touch with the higher self you’re seeking. There are plenty of actual health benefits, too: Jess Frey from Kripalu Center of Yoga and Health says that when you “practice specific postures, pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation techniques, and imagery, you can reduce excess heat on the physical, mental, and emotional levels.”

  1. Find your inner self-confidence.

The journey to loving yourself is never-ending, so it’s unrealistic to expect newfound confidence if you’ve always struggled with it. While society has trained us to focus on our bodies, what’s really important is focusing on what’s inside you: self-worth. This season, take some time to remind yourself everything you’ve worked so hard for, as well as everything you continue to strive to succeed. With these tips, hopefully you will be able to tap into the inner goddess within and flourish all season long.

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