Charity fundraisers come in so many different forms that if you have been put in charge of hosting one for your workplace, you may be overwhelmed by the information that’s out there. Companies often spend time raising money for various causes; it’s not just good for the charities they are involved in, but for their own exposure. Coming up with a variety of fundraising ideas, however, is something that isn’t entirely easy. Some of the fundraising ideas have been done to death so it’s up to you as the person in charge to get creative.
It’s all about trial and error when it comes to your company event. Some ideas may fall a bit flat and if you want to maximize your exposure at the same time, you need to make an impact on those attending your event. Look at the cause that you are raising money for and build your event around it. Companies that specialize in sportswear, for example, will often hold a sports event complete with event tent rental and sports track hire. Then there are other industries, such as the food industry, who would be better off holding events related to food such as pie contests and bake sales. Ultimately, you have to choose a charitable fundraising idea that will get your name into the press as well as raise a decent wedge of money for your charity.
The best fundraisers tend to be ones that are held outdoors. The reason for this is as follows:
- More space, therefore more people can attend your event.
- Summer events often get more attendance, as the weather is drier and everyone loves a good day out!
- People prefer to spread out during an event and outdoor events offer more to see.
If you don’t have the time to host your own solely outdoor event, why not look to collaborate with other companies in your industry to make it an industry-wide press event. Raising money for charity makes you look good and it’s for a good cause, and we’ve put together some of the best outdoor fundraisers we know:
- Swim-A-Thon. Communities that benefit from an outdoor pool that draws people in during the summer would make a swim-a-thon a popular option. Sponsoring the strongest swimmers in your business to an Olympic-like event is the perfect way to raise money and involving the community at the same time can earn some respect.
- Music Festival Canvassing. Link up with a local music festival to plug the charity you are raising money for as well as your own company. You can fundraise by selling bottled water, wristbands and even temporary tattoos with your message on them.
- Outdoor Films. Ticket sales, food sales and merchandise sales can all go toward your chosen charity. Get the word out on social media and hold a public vote for the movie that will be screened. You can involve the public and get them excited about an outdoor event. Go one better by selling blankets for sitting on at the door!
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