The workout plan is in place and you are on the way to the gym. But wait a minute; what’s that? It’s a sharp pain in the left knee or an ache in the lower back. Sometimes, it’s even a killer twinge in the side. Uh oh, it’s the dreaded scenario all fitness fanatics dread: an injury. The body isn’t a machine, so dealing with aches and pains is inevitable. Like they say, professional athletes are never one-hundred percent fully fit and they manage.
Average Joes don’t have the same understanding of injuries or their bodies. Think about the last time you felt a pang and how you reacted. There’s a good chance you thought “screw it; I’ll fight through the pain.” The last thing anyone suffering from an injury should do is make the situation worse. That is the first rule in the training manual.
Maintaining fitness is essential too, which is where it gets tricky. Working out to burn enough calories without exacerbating the problem is a fine line. Thankfully, it isn’t impossible with the help of the following. Here’s how to endure an injury and keep the body fit and healthy in the process.
Sleep, My Beauty
To stay active, the first step is to sit down and rest. As counterproductive as it sounds, there is a method to the madness. As a rule, the impacted area needs to take a break before it can come back stronger than ever. After all, constantly putting it through the ringer is only going to make it weak and increase the chances of a new injury. So, give it at least a week or two before you attempt any sort of exercise. You may need to chill out for longer depending on the injury.
During this time, you should look at other areas of your lifestyle to maintain your well-being. Diet is the main factor in putting on weight and letting things go while being inactive. So, try to cut back on the fatty, junk foods. Takeouts are out and a home-cooked meal is in. Leafy greens and plenty of lean protein should not only limit the damage but burn calories in the process.
Sleep is another factor. Bedtime is when the body gets to repair, so make sure you’re getting at least seven hours per night.
Are You Tough Enough?
There is a difference between pain and an injury. An ache is something which hurts but isn’t detrimental in the long-term. Yes, it needs considering before you continue exercising but it should be fine after a while. An injury is something that stops you in your tracks and inhibits exercise.
The reason it’s important to understand the difference is toughness. People with a low pain threshold may think they’re injured when it’s only an uncomfortable pang. As annoying as it is, it shouldn’t put you on the sidelines for anything more than a day. Seriously, lots of people use niggles as an excuse to rest when they are more than capable of hitting the gym or pounding the asphalt.
As soon as you feel something out of the ordinary, stop and evaluate the situation. However, don’t jump to conclusions and expect the worst. On the flip side, never underestimate the pain because it may cause complications further down the line.
Yoganna Enjoy This
Yoga is a super-exercise for many different reasons. For starters, it’s low-intensity so it shouldn’t overly impact the muscles or joints. Yoga is a series of basic stretches which strengthen the body rather than put it through undue stress. Secondly, it’s aerobic which means it burns fat. Fitday.com reckons after one hour of yoga a person can burn up to three-hundred calories. Thirdly, it engages your core so it has holistic benefits. Is there anything it can’t do?!
Please don’t jump in at the deep end. Whether it seems straightforward or not, this exercise can get super complicated. Just understanding the terminology takes a few sessions to get used to, which is why a beginners program is a wise option. Also, keep it to less than forty-five minutes so as not to overextend the body.
Should you get into it, there is no reason to avoid home workouts. DVDs are still available are the hipsters, or there are hundreds of routines online. Remember to breathe because it’s the most important part.
Let’s Get Fully Equipped
Everything is going well and the injury seems to be healing. There is no need for any other precautionary measure. After all, your body is repairing itself and doesn’t need help. It’s a machine in its own right. True, the human body is remarkable but it always accepts a hand when one is on offer. Thanks to advancements in technology, there are hundreds of them at your disposal.
Choosing the right one for your body should depend on the injury. Swelling is something which occurs regularly, especially around the joints. Compression socks can help ease the inflammation, so see SockwellSocks.com for more info. Fashionistas can choose colors which match their outfit or even their personality. Instability is another common problem, but RunnersWorld.com has solutions. For example, a resistance band can build up weak ankles.
Don’t forget about the impact of your shoes either. The wrong sneakers will impact everything from the soles of your feet to your back. Gym clothes shopping isn’t only about looking the part, people.
Warm, Meet Cold
Young people are terrible for heading to the weights section and deadlifting one-hundred-and-fifty pounds straight off the bat. When you’re not old, this is pretty easy to do because the body bounces back. After an injury, there is going to be a problem. In fact, they may be a range of them.
This is where warming up and cooling down come into play. Giving the muscles and joints time to get used to the strain is essential. The same goes for giving them a chance to recover at the end of the session.
Normally, five to ten minutes for both is enough.
Do you think you can endure an injury and stay fit and healthy?
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