Editor’s note: Jane Fonda, Robin Morgan, and Gloria Steinem, the Co-Founders of the Women’s Media Center, had a guest post on CNN.com on Monday calling for the FCC to pull Rush Limbaugh from the airwaves for the “arsenal of degrading language (he) deploys on women, people of color, lesbians and gays, immigrants, the disabled, the elderly, Muslims, Jews, veterans, environmentalists and so forth.”
(CNN) — Ironically, the misogyny Rush Limbaugh spewed for three days over Sandra Fluke was not much worse than his regular broadcast of sexist, racist and homophobic hate speech:
— Female Cabinet members are “Sex-retaries.”
–– “The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”
— The National Organization for Women is “a bunch of whores to liberalism.”
— [Said to an African-American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”
These are just a few samples from the arsenal of degrading language Limbaugh deploys on women, people of color, lesbians and gays, immigrants, the disabled, the elderly, Muslims, Jews, veterans, environmentalists and so forth.
Continue reading at CNN.com. Also see the counter-point, It’s un-American to Silence Limbaugh.
Also on MeaningfulWomen.com: Gloria Allred Seeks Rush Limbaugh Prosecution for Comments about Sandra Fluke and Rush to Judgment.
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