When you say “Valentine’s Day,” you usually think of bouquets of red roses, cuddly stuffed teddy bears, and boxes of chocolates. But our friends at the Independent Pharmacy have noticed some “stiff” rises in another product category: erectile dysfunction medication. Sales of Viagra and other ED medicine have risen noticeably over the years, but last year they peaked in February as Valentine’s Day approached. The weight loss drug, Orlistat, also increased around Valentine’s but didn’t reach the heights of sales numbers for the same drug during the summer months.
As well as an increase in sales, the study found a change in online search habits revealing consumers are increasingly looking for pharmaceutical products online to enhance their Valentine’s Day celebration. Google searches for “buy Viagra” spiked in February last year, as couples looked to a Valentine’s night of passion. Search data also revealed an increase in search popularity for terms like “STIs” (sexually transmitted infections), as well as the term “engagement rings,” while searches for “red roses” dramatically decreased the week of Valentine’s Day.
Check out this infographic, “Viagra or Roses: Romantic Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day”:
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