You might have gotten pretty good at ignoring your health up until now, and we get why you would. It’s so much easier to just ignore the things that might be wrong with you, just because you’re worried about what the outcome is going to be. We always have drilled into our minds that the smallest of problems could eventually turn into something huge, like cancer. But in reality, most of the signs and symptoms we experience when we are getting ill are due to smaller problems that can so easily be fixed. If you leave them however, there’s no telling what might happen to you, because some things just don’t get better on their own. Half of the time, it’s the things we’re doing to our bodies that are causing the issues as well, so with just a few simple life changes, your health could be back on track before you know it. But for now, we want to talk about some of the warning signs you should never ignore, and what they could mean!
We’re not talking about the odd nose bleed here and there, or perhaps a little cut that takes a little while longer to stop bleeding than usual. Because this is totally normal, and it just isn’t anything to worry about. The bleeding we’re talking about is the type that most definitely shouldn’t be there. For women, bleeding when passing urine could be due to many things. It could be cystitis that is irritating the bladder, or an infection along the track. If there is bleeding in between periods, it could even be a sign of pregnancy. But if it carries on for a number of weeks, it most definitely should be checked out, as it should do with men as well. There could be a defect in the urinary tract or even an issue with the kidneys that is allowing blood to filter into the urine. Similarly, blood in stools should definitely be checked out if it is noticed more than once. It could be the signs of severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), or other issues with the bowel that you just don’t want to have to deal with. Luckily however, both of these are pretty easy to diagnose.
Swellings definitely shouldn’t be ignored. We bet your mind will jump right to a tumor, and so it should. Be a tumor doesn’t always have to mean cancer, and a lump doesn’t always have to mean a tumor. If you have been ill recently and have swellings in your neck, it could just be swollen lymph nodes. If you know you knocked your knee the other day, then you know where the swelling came from. It’s the ones that are really out of the ordinary, and hard to touch. They usually won’t move, and they can sometimes cause a bit of pain. These are characteristics of a tumor, and the earlier you get it looked at, the better. So many people have benign tumours all over their body, so don’t always jump to the wrong conclusion!
Aches & Pains
Aches and pains can just be annoying more than anything, and it’s easy for them to get in the way of your daily life. The most common form of pain is back and neck pain, especially lower back. For those in a manual job, or a job that requires standing all of the time, the lower back can take an impact after supporting the weight of the body all day. Similarly, those sitting at a desk all day can feel the strain on their next. When you should start to worry is if you have back or neck pain after a fall or an accident. Both are full of delicate structures, and you should definitely be searching for an emergency hospitals near me if the pain doesn’t go away. You could have a small fracture in either one of them, which if left alone could cause so many issues to you, worst case being paralysis.
Funny Feelings
Sometimes do you ever feel like you’ve got that funny feeling going on inside you? Like you know something is wrong, but you just don’t know what. If you know you’ve been run down for a while now, and your body just doesn’t feel like its normal self, make sure you go and get some tests done. Just a blood test will give you some peace of mind, and remind you that you might need to make a few lifestyle changes if you want to feel nice and healthy!
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