Although holiday parties and celebrations are fun, they almost always take a toll on your skin as well. All of that not-so-healthy food, drinks, and a few sleepless nights can affect your natural glow and make your skin look dull.
Since holidays are over, now is the perfect time to start working on getting your healthy glow back. Here are a few ideas on what you can do to speed up the process.
Clear up your diet
This one is a must, regardless of what your skin looks like. Once the holidays are over, it’s time to start working on your New Year’s resolutions and eat cleaner. Do it gradually – start by drinking tons of water. Salty food and alcohol can make you dehydrated and leave your skin dry, tight and flaky. Increasing your daily fluid intake can help you solve this problem and get your radiant glow back.
As for your meals, eat magnesium-rich food, such as nuts, whole grains, and beans to speed up your metabolism and detoxify from the inside.
Don’t forget to moisturize
The best way to combat dry skin and get it glowing is to keep it moisturized, so don’t skip this step in the morning. It is important for prepping as well as for rehabilitation of your skin after the party period. Any kind of skin care product will work – serum, moisturizer, eye cream, or facial oil – as long as it has a moisturizing formula to keep you hydrated.
For a quick facial, you can apply the moisturizer and then cover your face with a warm wet cloth until it cools down. This is will pump up your skin even more and get your healthy glow back more quickly.
Detoxify the pores
One of the best things about holidays is that you have time to do everything – to party and celebrate as well as to unwind and recover your skin. This is due to the fact that many skin care products are now at the reach of your fingertips – you can find a good face mask online, purchase it and then nurture your skin while you’re resting.
You’ll need a good formula based on charcoal since charcoal can pull off impurities right off your skin due to its negative charge that help fight positively charged toxins. Apply the mask after cleansing your skin, let it do its job for about 15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. This will clear up your skin and let your complexion shine the way it used to.
On the other hand if you need some more serious treatments, this would be a perfect time to turn to one of many beauty clinic in Sydney and have a consultation with dermatologist for further actions.
Use the cold
After the holidays, you might end up waking up swollen and with flushed cheeks. This is because alcohol dilates blood vessels. However, it is well-known that chilling your face can reduce puffiness and tighten blood vessels to alleviate redness and flushing. That’s why skin care experts suggest putting your eye mask or face gel in the fridge before using it on your face.
Cold eye compress or cucumbers can help as well – it will soothe your eye skin and leave you less puffy and red. Also, caffeine is an active ingredient in many cosmetic products for puffy eyes, so you can reuse your used black or green tea bags – put them in cold water for a few minutes and then place them on your eyes. It will constrict the blood vessels and reduce water retention.
As you can see, the key to getting back that radiant glow to your skin is hydration. You can do it from the inside through fluid intake and quality meals or from the outside by moisturizing, cooling down and feeding your skin with a face mask. So, make sure this becomes a part of your skin care routine and you’ll see the results in no time!
Mia Taylor is a fashion and beauty enthusiast from Sydney and writer for www.highstylife.com. She loves writing about her life experiences. Travelling and enjoying other cultures and their food with her husband is a big part of her life. She is always on the lookout for new trends in fashion and beauty, and considers herself an expert when it comes to lifestyle tips. Twitter | Facebook
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