People invest a lot of time into building their business, yet today, the majority of business assets are to be found online. In this sense, it’s critically important you protect whatever business you are in, in a physical way, such as padlocking your doors – but there needs to be a real focus on protecting digital assets and data.
In that sense, this article is going to focus on ways to protect the digital assets within your business – as today, cybercrime is growing at an exponential rate and seems to be the highest growth category of organised crime at the moment — certainly, showing no signs of slowing down, as we move toward an increasingly connected and digital future.
The challenge with security and protecting your business is that hindsight can be a painful lesson, yet, it’s only usually in hindsight that people do learn their lesson. Here’s hoping these tips help you put measures in place to avoid the painful loss associated with the following:
Keep Everything Under Lock and Key
If you had a shop, you wouldn’t protect it with a flimsy lock. In fact, you might invest in a state of the art alarm system or strong metal shutters to protect your shopfront. In the digital world, this is found in a variety of forms.
Indeed, you might want to consider working with a professional company such as BrickTechIT to get specific advice on your unique requirements, but at a basic level – it can be as simple as making sure you have a really strong password.
Use Secure Systems
There are a number of reputable third party solutions that offer enhanced security, as well as technical support in the realm of ecommerce; from payment processors such as Stripe to marketing platforms such as ClickFunnels.
Have a Backup
Have you ever found yourself in the horrific position where your device fails, and you go to the shop hoping to recover the data – to be asked the fateful question “have you made a backup?”
At this point, you either feel relieved or full of regret. Most people learn this lesson the hard way, unfortunately, but today with the availability and prevalence of cloud storage, there’s little excuse not to be making regular backups… though, many people still rely on more tangible solid state drives to keep their back ups safe.
Have Surveillance in Place
Many stores will have security cameras or security guards in place in an attempt to deter thieves. Similarly, when online, you need to have an element of surveillance within your website – running in the background to protect against hackers and spammers accessing your data.
Collect Cash Securely
When it comes to making money online, you’ll want to make sure that your managing your finances securely, both in terms of the banking facilities you use but also with regard to the payment processor you use.
In reality, whilst they take a fair old fee PayPal or Stripe are the two that have both stood the test of time in terms of reliability and security.
Featured image courtesy of Pixabay.
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