Grill lovers and pizza aficionados don’t seem to share the same interests, but I am here to surprise you. There is a certain crowd of people who enjoy smoking their pizzas as a hobby. Pizza is all about the taste and the ingredients you use to make them. Smoking them makes their flavor even more intense which people love. I know you must be wondering how smoking a pizza is even possible. With this post, we will show you how inexpensive and straightforward the process is for a beginner. So keep reading and learn below how possible it is to smoke a pizza in a superior fashion.
Smoke Chips vs. Smoke Pellets
Choosing the proper type of wood can be intimidating because there are many on the market. Start by researching what kind of taste each wood provides and what you might prefer depending on your palate. Also, you need to think about what kind of pizza topping you want and what appliance you’re using to smoke it. Once you have considered the factors above, it is time to discuss the methods and strategies you can take advantage of to smoke the perfect pizza.
The Pizzeria Pronto
Our favorite smoker of choice is the Pizzeria Pronto which is a great option for the novice. The smoker comes with a highly quality set that includes a pizza oven wood smoker. My first time using it out of the box, I was surprised how simple is to put together. Instructions were easy to understand, and we were ready to go in ten minutes or so. The first step is pretty much common sense. You need to take the oven hood out of the smoker, and the stones come with your set. Once that is done, add the tray, put the previous pieces back in and you ready to go. There are other options @ Dadgum Barbecue to buy a pizza smoker, http://dadgumbarbecue.com/cheap-electric-smoker/.
The second step is important and is one that a lot of people ignore. Before you put your pizza in the smoker, be sure to preheat it to a moderately hot level, and you can place the pizza inside. Many people ask me which type of wood I use when I smoke a pizza. My personal favorite is flavored hickory wood, but this is subjective. Start experimenting and you will learn along the way which you like most.
Grilling A Pizza
Cooking your pizza on a grill is another excellent option to take into consideration. The trick is figuring out how to add Smokey flavors into your pizza using this method of cooking. All you have to do with the appliance we mention before is use the smoker boxes included in the set. Confirm that they are on the same plane as your stones, so refills become easy to achieve. Other smokers require you to remove the grill plates to get this done which makes the process quite tedious.
Watch Out for Timing
Smoking pizza may be easy, but you still have to plan ahead and have a process in place, so you don’t make any errors. For example, whether you use wood chips or pellets, they will take a while before they begin smoking. Timing is everything, so you have to decide when you will be putting in the wood chips. I usually wait until the oven is properly heated before doing this. Expect to throw in more wood chips about every 30 minutes because that is usually when they burn out.
Over smoking Your Meat
I have made a mistake in the past of adding way to much wood to my smoker, and the results were a disaster. Too much of anything is bad for, you and the same goes for over smoking your pizza. Luckily for you, smoking pizza is not like smoking ribs for a steak. You will not need that many pellets or wood chips to get the best flavor. I would suggest adding of 1 oz. of whichever you choose and leaving it at that. Don’t forget to learn which types of wood are the best for whatever pizza you are experimenting with at the moment.
I hope you have enjoyed this guide and that it will motivate you enough, so you start experimenting with smoking pizzas. It may seem perplexing the first time, but smoking will become easier as you get more experience. Enjoy the journey and get ready for the incredibly tasting smoked pizza.
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