Leaving your cat or dog with a friend or a family member is one option when going on vacation, but if you worry that they wouldn’t be able to take care of them properly, or you’re simply too sad to leave them behind, you can always bring them along. Sure, it takes a lot of careful planning and probably packing an extra suitcase, but you can have a wonderful time with your pet and you don’t have to worry about them while you’re away.
Early Preparations
The first thing on the list is visiting a vet in order to make sure that your pet is healthy for the trip. The vet can issue a certificate that your pet is vaccinated, since you might need it if you’re planning to leave the country. You can help your cat or a dog get used to traveling by driving them around prior to the trip. If you own a cat, it’s generally advisable to prepare you feline companion for travelling at the age of 2 to 7 weeks, so as to avoid any traumatic experience during the first big trip. Another advantage of preparing your pet early for travelling is the opportunity to find out whether they have motion sickness. If that is the case, you should ask the vet to prescribe you some medication that you can give to your pet before going away. Finally, you should obtain an ID tag for your animal friends, so as to ensure their return in case they get lost.
Packing can be stressful, especially if you forget something you need, so make a list of your pet’s essentials in order to avoid this. Purchase enough of their favourite food; you don’t want to risk not being able to find it later on. Other items that the list should include are litter box, bowl, favourite toys, grooming supplies, and bedding. Your cat can be quite territorial, so if you’re planning to stay at a hotel, make sure to bring something that will remind them of home, such as their favourite comfortable kitten beds.
Car Drives
If you’re driving to your destination, you need to make sure that your pet is comfortable during the drive. You should get the necessary equipment, including pet car seats and seat belts, which will keep your pet safe. If you’ve done the pre-travel driving around, you won’t have any serious problems to keep them calm. If you’re a dog owner, don’t let your pet stick the head out of the window; this is far from safe. A long drive can be very exhausting both for you and your pet, therefore, you should take breaks every couple of hours, but don’t leave your pet alone!
Although your instinct might be to give your pet a tranquilizer to help them calm down, you should avoid doing this because it may cause serious health issues. Instead, you can use a collar used for calming them down and approved by the experts. Don’t forget to check which airlines will allow you to bring your pet with you, since some will make you leave them in cargo. In addition, check the policy on the allowed size and weight of the container.
The most important item that you need to bring for a train ride is a safe and comfortable carrier for your pet. It has to be spacious, but not too big, since you’ll probably have to keep it under the seat or in your lap. Line the carrier with absorbent paper, and bring some extra just in case.
Travelling with your pet means that you have to be prepared properly in order to avoid problems during the journey. If you have a well-developed plan, a list of everything you need, this doesn’t have to be a stressful experience.
For additional information, our friends at CatOverdose.com have a great resource on how to travel with a cat.
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