My friends are always prodding about how I can keep my hands and nails looking their best every day. So, I’ve decided to share everything I know here about my daily habits and what are my favorite products and nail polish bottles. Please take what you think works best for you and feel free to ignore anything that doesn’t!
Nail Files
The best time to file your nails is when the nail polish is already on. A lot of people attempt this when they are just finished painting their nails, and it ‘s not a good idea. I find this is the best method to use if you want to shape them accurately. If you like painting your nails using opaque dark polishes, do not eliminate the shine until you file your nails properly.
My nail file of choice is the classic from Herôme. They have been making nail files for years and have had a lot of experience in the industry. This product is what is considered a glass file. Glass files are light and will minimize the number of times you tear and chip your nails. When filing your nails, please be patient if you want to get the job done right. Always file in one direction and break down the rough edges slowly. If you find yourself short on time, make sure to use the stronger parts of the grit. Our friends at BeautyCinch have recently published a comprehensive beauty guide for the best electric nail files.
Removing Polish
Don’t go all out when purchasing a polish remover. A simple one with good reviews will do the trick, so you will not have to overthink this. My favorite brand is Kruidvat. They are a Dutch brand that is sold in every drugstore. Before getting started, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly, use the acetone remover and wash your hands again right after. It helps you prevent infections and is the most hygienic system to follow.
Removing The Cuticle
Once my nail polish is off, I begin to prepare the tools I need to remove my cuticles. I use the Nfu Oh brand because they have never let me down and have a prolific reputation. Some people prefer cutting their cuticles, but I don’t recommend it if you want to do this the way the professionals do it. Add the cuticle remover on your cuticles and wait for about three minutes to be safe. Once the three minutes passes, grab a wooden stick and start to eliminate everything that falls off. Wash your hands immediately after and you will be proud to know the job has been accomplished.
Moisturizing is they key to keeping your hands shining and looking smooth. The first thing many people look at when they meet you is your hands, so it makes sense to give them special attention. Moisturizing your hands, cuticles, and nails separately is key. For nails, I usually go with Nail Balsam from Trind, and I go with cuticle balsam to take acre of my cuticles. The great thing is that they are from the same company, so they are easy to purchase. The best time to use any of these products is before hitting the sack because it gives them time to fulfill their purpose.
Now you have every piece of information that I have when it comes to taking care of your nails and hands. I repeat these routines daily, and the result has been beautiful looking hands that are smooth as eggs. To practice prevention, don’t forget to keep your hands away from the sun as much as possible and to use gloves as much as you can when washing dishes for your family.
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