For the past few months I’ve heard Republican Presidential candidates, one after another, claim they don’t believe in discrimination and in the same breath state that same sex couples should not be allowed to marry.
I’ve heard them say they don’t believe anyone should lose their job for being gay, yet they would overturn the ban on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
They’ve claimed they stand for everyone’s rights, but don’t believe gay couples are fit for adoption.
I’ve heard them say they respect gay people, they have gay friends, and at least one candidate has said, he stands up for gay rights. Yet they all state they respectfully disagree with the LGBT community on these issues.
Their statements are teeming with hypocrisy, double-talk and a clear misunderstanding of what the words respect, discrimination and friendship mean.
My dad was a proud World War II marine. He was a God-fearing conservative Republican, but most importantly, he was a wonderful provider and a courageous family man. He believed in education and he loved his wife, my mom. She was a Rosie the Riveter type who always found a way to have a little pin money for treats. Not to mention she was a fantastic cook!
Although neither is with us today, I am certain they would be absolutely appalled and disgusted with the angles these candidates are using to justify their worthiness and righteousness. My dad would wonder whose business it is who people sleep with. Mom was content with her children’s happiness. She believed that love mattered; not gender and not religious upbringing. She was never much for politics and a good steady job was important to her.
The fact that I wanted to be with a woman was something they both knew long before it ever became my reality.
I know that all of this judgment would have sickened them. They would wonder how personal opinion, hyperbolic rhetoric and a distorted view of morality, goodness and righteousness could sway votes over decisions that matter – war, decent wages, education and jobs.
With my parent’s love and guidance, I always knew that I could accomplish whatever I set out to do. I never felt less than or demeaned – until now. But I’m not worried about myself. We have our children to think about.
It seems that every day we hear or read about a suicide of a teen or young adult who couldn’t live with being gay – a child so depressed, ashamed, and despondent, already seeing life as impossibility. These children are getting cues from our Republican Presidential candidates who have a duty to protect our children and to secure their dignity.
Words can make a healthy kid feel small. Words from important political leaders can make them feel invisible, like damaged goods. It’s time to cut out the hypocrisy and double-talk. It’s time to send kids, even gay kids, a clear message that they have a place in this world and that they are worthy, loved and truly respected.
[ Editor’s Note: Please also see Thrilled with Prop 8 Ruling; Outraged by “One Million Moms” by Ellen Padnos, which posted on February 8, 2012. And please make sure to “Like” and/or Share this story at the top of the page! ]
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Carol Sarosik enjoys glassblowing, supporting the arts, keeping bees, and traveling the world.
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