Neglect and abuse in care homes is something we never thought we would have to deal with, but sadly it is a common occurrence around the world. If you want to make a difference and help to spot the signs of neglect in the care industry this year.
Warning signs of abuse
If you are in a care home make sure that you listen to the way the staff talk to their patients. Ideally, they will speak with respect and kindness and be willing to talk to the residents even when they aren’t asking questions. However if you notice that no one is making small talk and the staff are short and rude, you will want to think about reporting this and investigating it further.
When you visit your elderly relative, check to see if they have any bruises or burns which cannot be explained. If you ask them where they got the injury and they seem nervous, you will know that something is going on and you will be able to act upon it and find out.
If you stick around with your relative for a while,you will be able to observe the behavior of everyone in the space, including your relative. For example you can watch how they interact with different careers, and you may notice that they are either nervous or argumentative with a particular career. If you notice a big change in their behaviou, it is a sign that they are suffering abuse from that person.
Warning signs of neglect
You will immediately be able to see that something isn’t quite right if the whole space smells when you walk through the door. This is a sign that they are not having their most basic needs seen to and this can be a big problem for many people who live in the care home. Make sure that you ask how often they change the sheets or wash clothes, and ask that they can update their policy a little to cater better for your relative.
Calls for help
If you stay for a while in the area, you will be able to see how quickly calls for help are answered, as well as how many call bells are available to the residents to use. If they are taking a long time to reply to the residents, this could be a sign of neglect.
Weight loss
Has your relative suddenly lost a huge chunk of weight with no explanation? This could be a sign that they aren’t being fed enough or that they are struggling to eat. Make sure that the care home has noticed this and contacted a doctor.
Is there enough security in the building? Are the staff able to reach all of the residents within a short space of time? Are the fire exits in good condition? It is important that overall access in the building is good enough.
What to do
When you feel as if there is neglect or abuse in the care home where your relative lives, there are a few things you can do. First of all, talk to the manage of the home and tell them what you have noticed. If they don’t make changes you can get a lawyer for nursing home neglect involved to investigate and make a case. If there is an issue present, you will be able to put a stop to it and make sure that your relative is looked after in the way they deserve.
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