If you are looking forward to a peaceful Christmas season and spending time with your family, chances are that heating your home for the right temperature might be causing you trouble. If you have noticed cold patches in your home and you live in an older house, there will be a need for some improvements so you can relax at home without having to worry about your bills or your heating breaking down. Below you will find a few tips on how to get started with winterizing your home.
Remote Thermostat App
If you have a relatively new heating and air conditioning system, you can get a smart thermostat. This will allow you to control the heating in your home through a cell phone app. You will be able to save money when you are not at home, keeping the temperature lower, and turning it on just before you leave the office. If you usually program your heating, you might not be prepared for changes in your life, such as having to stay in overtime or being caught up in traffic on the way home.
Fill In the Gaps
The main reason for cold patches in your home is the lack of proper insulation. If your home is older, there might be cavity that needs to be tackled. There are plenty of cavity wall insulation companies out there being able to complete the work in just one day. Alternatively, you can install insulation panels on your walls inside or outside, so you can prevent the heat from escaping.
HVAC Efficiency
We love putting the heating on and our feet up after arriving home from work. But is your heating and air conditioning system working as hard as it could? Chances are that if you haven’t’ had a maintenance engineer out for a while, there is room for improvement. Simply cleaning the fans and replacing the filters will make a huge difference in the performance of your heating system. Get in touch with local ac companies to arrange a maintenance visit and spot signs of wear early.
Extra Insulation
If your windows and doors are less than efficient, it might be time to get them replaced or install secondary glazing units. You can get these cut to measure at local DIY and home stores, and they are easy to fit on flat surface. We lose a lot of heat during the winter through inefficient windows and doors.
Move Your Heaters
If you have changed the layout of your home recently, chances are that your current heaters and vents are not able to heat up your space as well as they used to. When you open up your interior space, you will need to add more heaters and consider under floor insulation to reduce the heat loss and make your home warmer for longer.
If you are feeling the cold already, wait until the February frosts arrive. Take care of your insulation and heating system, and you can enjoy a carefree holiday season.
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