A divorce is rarely a simple thing. In fact, it can be a logistical nightmare! You will have to keep your wits about you to ensure that the end result isn’t you feeling cheated out of what you deserve.
To get a happy ending from your divorce, consider these five points while you are going through it.
Consider mediation if you’re both still on good terms
Divorces aren’t always bitter. You and your spouse may be willing to work with a mediator and make your divorce one of the amicable ones. You would save on legal fees while reducing the stress which unpleasant divorces can cause.
If you do choose mediation, still be mindful that your soon-to-be ex may not be completely honest with you about their personal finances. Forcing them to come clean may require court proceedings.
If you need legal representation, get a divorce attorney
An experienced divorce attorney knows all the options available to you and how to leverage them in your best interest. These include child custody and support; division of property; and spousal support. Each comes with legal jargon and paperwork, all of which a divorce attorney is accustomed to.
Furthermore, tempers can run high in divorces and there is an increased likelihood of domestic disputes developing. Your divorce attorney can bring a good measure of objectivity and civility to the proceedings
Take all debts and assets into account.
Assess your personal debt and personal net worth so you can figure out your financial standing. Then, list all bills you and your spouse have in common and consider keeping a joint account for paying those bills.
If you have shared assets, then where possible, divide them between you or sell them and divide the proceeds. Don’t be quick to give up your stake in a shared asset because you think it has little value or because the process of dividing it may be tedious.
Keep future living expenses in mind
Your divorce settlement should be about more than covering your current living expenses. Your situation is likely to change dramatically once all the details of the divorce are finalized and the dust has settled. Think about increasing costs of childcare; funding travel for children between parents; and the cost of a new, suitable home, for example.
Try to get this done before the divorce proceedings begin since it may be difficult to make changes when negotiations are already underway.
Your divorce does NOT make you a failure.
Society has historically placed an unjustified stigma on divorce, leaving many divorced persons feeling like a failure. Regardless of the grounds for your divorce, it is important that you continue to see yourself as worthwhile – because you are.
This particular relationship ending doesn’t mean you are incapable of being in a strong, lasting one. Think of your divorce as a fresh start to the rest of your life!
Divorce is a big (often nerve-racking) step. You can make the entire process much less traumatic, however, by taking the time to prepare for it and seeking out professional assistance, if you need it.
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