A Woman is a Power to be Reckoned With
Avon Products CEO Andrea Jung made a very astute comment: “The biggest emerging market in the world isn’t a country. It’s women.” So true. Women are a power to be […]
Avon Products CEO Andrea Jung made a very astute comment: “The biggest emerging market in the world isn’t a country. It’s women.” So true. Women are a power to be […]
Great article by Melanne Verveer and Kim Azzarelli in the January 30 issue of Newsweek Magazine highlighting the discussions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on the potential […]
The proper haircut for a woman is important due to the fact that certain facial features can affect a hairstyle in a positive or negative manner. There are plenty of […]
Women do many things to make themselves appear attractive to others. There are some things any woman can do to improve physical appearance: proper diet; a good exercise routine; make-up […]
There is a commonly held belief that the difference between nude and naked women is nude women express a pure look, the look that every human being portrays when she […]
Feeling beautiful does not always have to involve picking out a gorgeous dress and wearing the right makeup. Many times sexy women feel that way because of things they are […]
Women from each separate country of the world have characteristics that distinguish them from women of another country. Russian women possess a very unique aura about them, a mystique that […]
Long hairstyles for women have gone through dramatic cycles over the years. There have been periods when long hairstyles for women were considered completely out of style. However, since there […]
Society continues to change and the antiquated theory that women should be restricted to certain fields of work and consequently certain fields of study continues to evaporate. More and more […]
Decades ago the idea of mature women becoming pregnant past the age of 35 was unheard of and something believed to be completely unhealthy for both the mother and child. […]
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