We all know how tricky men are to buy for. Whenever a present- giving occasion rolls around, chances are you have to rack your brains incredibly hard to work out what to buy for your partner, dad, grandad or male friends. Women are easy to buy gifts for, flowers, jewelry, pretty trinkets and other bits and pieces will always go down well. Not only are men a bit more simple in their tastes, but most of them tend to go out and buy whatever they need when they need it. However while buying for men can be difficult, there are a few fail-safe ideas that most men will love.
Experience Days
Instead of buying physical items, why not look into experience days? They make ideal gifts for men, and there are so many different types out there these days that there’s something for all interests. It could be a luxury car driving experiences, a hot air balloon ride, a tour on a steam train, even plane or helicopter flying days. Another option would be to gift tickets for them to see their favorite performer or sports team. You could even book a day trip, mini break or vacation to place they’ve always wanted to visit. There’s something for all budgets here, so whether you’re looking to spend a little or a lot, there’s plenty of choice.
Buying clothing as a gift is never advisable unless you know the person very well. Not only do you need to get the fit right, but as clothes are so personal if the style is slightly wrong it could end up being a fail gift. Accessories, on the other hand are easier. You can buy a second hand but branded watch for men who have enjoy wearing watches.. A smart leather belt, wallet, or a simple tie all make great gifts. If you were looking to spend more, you could choose a designer brand. They’re things that most men are going to use and will appreciate.
Tech gifts and gadgets are always fun, and let’s face it most guys love this kind of thing. You don’t have to splash out on a brand new computer, tablet or phone (unless you want to). At slightly lower prices you can get things like voice activated speakers and designer headphones that make great gift ideas. VR headsets, drones, hoverboards and Segways are other options which make fun tech gifts for men that love to be big kids!
As long as they drink, alcohol is an easy one. You know it’s going to be appreciated and used, and if you’re not sure what kind of things they’re into this is a good option. Find out their favorite drink and treat them to a bottle. It could be wine, champagne or spirits. You could even buy a personalized glass on somewhere like eBay to bulk up the gift a little and make it tailored to them.
Do you struggle buying gifts for the men in your life? Do you have any other suggestions for fail- proof gifts?
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