Having an elderly relative move into your home can be a very exciting time for everyone. Another person around the house to help out with things, some more people to spend time with, and a greater connection to family are all things that make this a special time for you and your family. Some people don’t realize that there is more to living with an elderly relative than might be immediately apparent, and that as they age they require more care from you. For a small list of things to know when taking on the care of an elderly relative, read on, and for a more in-depth exploration of this, click here.
The psychology of this time can be conflicting for your loved one.
On the one hand, they are becoming closer to their family and spending more time with their children or grandchildren, on the other they are losing a part of their independence and freedom. Understanding this can help you to empathize with them in this time, and make their transition into a new phase of their life as easy and straightforward as possible.
The social side of ageing can be stressful and depressing for the elderly, as you begin to lose close friends you’ve had for your whole life. Part of the psyche behind the depression that comes from this is that you won’t make any new friends before it’s your own time, and this is obviously a very depressing thought. One way to circumvent this thought process is to help your loved one begin to meet more people their own age. Once they’ve moved in, try to go to events that they’re interested in with them and help them to make friends.
Finally, the physical aids you might need to help your relative can be confusing and unruly, but understanding and installing them in your home can be hugely beneficial to them for years to come. A handrail in the bathroom, up any stairs, and around places that have the potential for falls can save their lives in a dangerous situation.
Knowing these things and using them to your loved one’s benefit is part of being a good family member, and can help to increase their quality of life for their remaining years. Simple acts such as these are crucial to a happy and healthy elderly relative, and there’s no reason to not undertake them.
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