Do you remember the dress you were wearing when your husband proposed to you? Of course, you do because it’s right there, tucked behind all your other garments because even though it’s now a size too small you just can’t bear to let it go! Our entire lives are often wrapped up in our wardrobes so it’s no wonder that we struggle to say goodbye to items we once treasured, even if it’s those crystal jelly shoes we firmly believe will make a comeback because they could right?
Clear The Decks
Let’s be blunt nobody makes plans to sort out their closet. Saturdays are for shopping, lunch with friends, a visit to an art gallery, or making the trip out of state to visit family or friends. However, if you don’t set aside time now, forcing you to finally confront just how many pairs of skinny black jeans you own then eventually you’ll have no hangar space left. It’s going to seem pretty daunting at first so we don’t recommend doing a full declutter all in one go.
Sell It
Looking to make a little extra cash? Clothes that don’t fit you anymore, and you don’t see yourself wearing again can be sold online to those who’ll give them a more loving home. When it comes to selling clothes, it’s important that you price them fairly and take into account any wear and tear. We’re not saying that you should sell a pair of designer boots for $10! Have a quick look on discount websites such as CouponSherpa.com to see how much retailers like Sears can reduce items by in store. Buyers hate to pay full price for anything, so if you can offer a ten or twenty percent discount when they collect the item in person or pay the shipping fees you could make a much higher profit.
Clothes swapping parties aren’t just fun! They’re also an excellent way to rid yourself of tops and trousers you don’t need and get your mitts on fantastic new garments. Thanks to social media you don’t need to stick to swapping with friends and family either, as websites like
meet up often arrange networking events for those in the fashion industry, as well as organizing monthly swap meets where you can trade in your unwanted items for brand new clothes at a fraction of the price!
Not everyone is as lucky as you and often the people who need decent, warm clothes most are cruelly deprived of even basic items. Donating a box of freshly washed clothes to Goodwill or Oxfam doesn’t just help you feel good, but it’ll go a long way to keeping someone who actually needs the extra help. There are some fantastic organizations out there who have the ability to change lives simply with a suit, coat or pair of shoes such as Dress For Success. They provide young disadvantaged women not only with formal clothes for job interviews, but also give help and support when it comes to embarking on a new career after having overcome abuse, addiction and domestic violence so they can be financially independent.
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