Turn Your Back On Pain

Turn Your Back On Pain

No one looks forward to getting older, but one of the main worries that many people have is back pain. The older we are, the more likely we are to develop aches and pains in our back as it becomes weaker. However, this isn’t a condition that you should put up with. In fact, there is plenty that you can do to prevent the pain in the first place. And, if you end up suffering, there are also many cures that will leave you feeling a lot younger and more supple. Here are just a few of them.

Keep Moving

Lots of people believe that the best way to treat a bad back is to rest up and to try and not move as much as possible. However, lots of scientific studies show that this may not actually be doing any good. Scientists now believe that the best way to treat back pains and aches is to keep on moving. In fact, walking is an extremely good way to strengthen your back muscles and spine, which can prevent any aches and pains from developing. So next time your back is giving you trouble, don’t just spend the day lying bed. You will feel much better if you head out for a gentle walk!

Work On Your Posture

Lots of us work at computers these days, and because of this we often end up slouching over a screen for the best part of the day. This isn’t good for out back, as it takes the strain of all this slouching. You will find that if you work on maintaining a good posture for as much of the day as possible, back aches and pains will disappear as there won’t be any imbalance in the muscles around the spine. If you struggle to stay in a good posture, you can always consider investing in some back posture braces.


Another good way to help your back after a day of sitting at your desk is to stretch it out. Your back can become very tense after so much sitting, so getting up and doing some simple stretched every couple of hours can really make it feel better. It is also worth taking up a gym class, such as Pilates and Yoga, that will encourage you to stretch your back and strengthen its muscles. When you are stretching, don’t forget to also focus on your legs, as these take a lot of the strain when your back is in pain.

Use Ice

Is you back feeling particularly bad? If so, one of the best methods of instant pain relief is to hold an ice pack to it. You should aim to chill your back as often as possible for around 34 to 48 hours after the pain starts. The best way to do this is to sit with a bag of frozen peas in between your back and a chair. Remember never to apply ice directly to the skin as it can cause severe irritation.

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