Technology has changed the business industry in a lot of ways. The most widespread change today is the rise of instant messaging services. Since the turn of the decade, companies have been using WhatsApp and Gmail religiously. In fact, studies show that more than half of business communications takes place via IM. Any business-savvy firm will understand how necessary these services are today. The question is what makes them so essential in 2017? Let’s take a look at the benefits.
Improves Communication
The one thing that every firm on the planet wants to improve is communication. A company can create all the right policies, but they mean nothing if they’re too complex. Also, there is the peer-to-peer dynamic. Colleagues need to be able to speak openly and freely without any glitches if the office is to run smoothly. Apps like WhatsApp and Hangouts are perfect because, well, they are instant. There is no red tape or no need to follow restricting procedures. All a worker has to do is send a basic message and wait for the reply. Because employees use them in their everyday life, they also feel more comfortable with them at work. So, there isn’t a settling in period with IM.
Lowers Interruptions
What bosses don’t like is watching their subordinates leave their desk. An employee that isn’t by their desk isn’t being productive. And, that costs the firm money. However, in the past, people had to get up from their seat to find answers. Nowadays, they can stay put and wait for the answers. With the help of email or IM, the workforce can get all the info they need from the comfort of their desk. In simple terms, the office can continue with their job without stopping for a break. In business circles, they call that the Holy Grail.
Marketing Tool
IM services aren’t only for internal use. No, savvy firms also use them for marketing purposes. Now, most people won’t understand the point of incorporating IM into their marketing plan. And, to be fair, it doesn’t seem like a good idea on the face of it. When you delve deeper, though, it becomes apparent that the platforms are essential. In the same vein of social media, instant messaging makes interaction more personal. In turn, this builds a sense of loyalty. Plus, it’s quick and informal, two things every customer desires nowadays. If that isn’t enough, IM also has a higher hit rate when it comes to reaching the target audience. In fact, it’s even better than the kings of social media. Shock!
Cost Effective
What does every business want more than anything in the world? They want to cut costs. The cost of running a successful firm is very high, and most companies don’t have the money. To succeed, they need to find areas to trim the fat, which is where instant messaging comes into play. Thanks to IM, a business can lower expenses from overheads (phone costs) to travel expenses.
There is no point in scheduling a meeting if it can take place over Skype.
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