A few weeks ago things in my life seemed to be moving along rather nicely and I felt as though I was in a really good place. I was feeling balanced, totally in sync with my husband and all three kids were doing great. You know where this is going…then out of the blue something happens that throws me off course and I find myself questioning, doubting and frustrated. Anyone who has been here knows that once you are in a rut it spills over into other areas in your life like your marriage and relationships. How does that happen so quickly? How do you get back on course?
Have you struggled with being in the valley lately? You thought you had your eyes focused on the right things and your feet headed in the right direction but the next thing you know you are so far from where you wanted to be. I think we all go through seasons of life where we feel stuck. Times when we think others don’t understand us and we can’t measure up. Times when we are doing so much yet nothing is sticking. Times when we get frustrated and depressed and look around at others for approval. We are all in search of purpose in this life and for that one thing that will satisfy us permanently. The problem is that we tend to look to all the wrong things to obtain this fulfillment and meaning. We look to our life experiences, relationships, material possessions and pleasures but we never discover it. If you still doubt this to be the case, just look at Hollywood to see that all of those things can’t bring happiness or real meaning to life.
I believe that God has a purpose and a plan for each of our lives that only we (individually) can fulfill. We are made in the image of God and no one else is just like us! He wants us to enjoy who He created us to be…so who are you? The world will tell us we are not smart enough, pretty enough, talented enough, rich enough and the list goes on but God tells us we are Accepted, Worthy, Forgiven, Loved & Significant. This alone defines who you are! When you have this hope and this mindset going on then you begin to live according to who you really are. As women, we are God’s crowning glory and special possession and He has planted seeds of destiny, purpose and potential in each of us. As mothers, we have the ability to nurture, restore and unlock our children’s God-given potential.
The question becomes, what are you going to do with what God has entrusted to you? We each have a race to run in this life and only get one opportunity to run it! When we walk in God’s Will for our life we not only honor God but also bring satisfaction to ourselves. We are made perfectly just as we are, our weaknesses, shortcomings. So how do you run this race and what does that look like day-to-day you ask? For me I have learned that it is not by always “doing” or running for the praises of others, but by leaving margin in my life each day to build my relationship with God who will reveal His plans for me one step at a time. Separate yourself and look to God daily for your cues. It is the work that He does through your life that counts. You are the only you this world will ever know and something about your life is meant to make something about God known in a way no one else can do. When we live with this perspective and use the gifts that God has given us, we will contribute to humanity and help the world be a better place because we are in it. Reclaim who you are and be the woman that God has called you to be!
We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” — Joseph Campbell.
Please click here to find more articles on MeaningfulWomen.com by Tracie Nolde.
Tracie Nolde lives in Atlanta, GA with her husband, Jeff, and their three children, Camden, Chase and Kennedy.
Great message Tracie. We are uniquely made, like snowflakes in the sky. It’s what we do with this one life that matters.
Powerful truth! Thank you, Tracie….